Friday, October 26, 2012

Before I Lose Momentum, I Wanna Know...

This week I have gone to the gym three times, which for me, is GREAT. I've also had the chance to catch up with some friends and on some much needed sleep (even if the sleep has been at weird times and interrupted by bouts of insomnia - it's still more than I usually get).

 However, I've also neglected a lot of housework and home projects that I vowed to tackle during this glorious 5 day reprieve from work. So today I am buckling down and focusing solely on those things. However, I am definitely one of those people who needs inspiration to clean. For me, that usually comes in the form of a playlist. But not just any play list - it's a play list compiled of songs I remember reverberating through my childhood home when my mom was in a cooking, cleaning, baking frenzy the day before, or the day of our hosting a houseful of company. I loved those days! The whole house filled with wonderful aromas from the lemony freshness of Pledge or the sweet woodsy smell of Murphy's Oil to alluring traces of stuffed shells or baking cakes. So I'll share with you, a few of the bands that throw me back to that time and give me the boost I need to tackle my own projects on the home front.

So... Just a few of my cleaning favorites are:

Anything by:
The Crash Test Dummies
4 Non-Blonds
The Cranberries
500 Miles by The Proclaimers

I'm sure I'm missing some. Might have to go pick my mom's brain on some of her other cleaning favorites because I'm sure that they will strike a similar chord.

What gets you motivated to clean? Do you have a play list? I wanna know! Always looking for some inspiration. Oh, and HAPPY FRIDAY! :) 

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