Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm Full of Excuses

You guys like how I left you all geared up and ready for a blog-posting extravaganza and left you hanging? Yeah, that happened. Because let me tell you what: Night shift... is hardcore. Night shift... is bad ass. Night shift... Is kicking MY ass!

Okay, really though, I love it. There's something totally invigorating about staying up all night while all those poor 9-5 saps are sleeping. And I dig starting my day with family and fun time and ending my work day by crawling under the covers. Of course... Then when I find myself running on 5.5 hours of sleep for five consecutive days (er... nights...) and am perpetually sick, I wonder why the hell I like it so much. It feels like there's not a single minute I can slack off between the job, the sleep (or lack thereof), the kids, the house, the homework, the class, the cooking, the errands, the lunch packing, etc... As I warned a friend recently... If you call me to hang out, I'll probably start ugly crying. Because even though I WANT to hang out and I WANT to do fun things, I'm getting scary close to a nervous break down. Britney Spears style. So yeah. Keep razors and shit away from me.

Here's the thing... I want to stay nights. I really, REALLY do. But in order to maintain sanity - which I do NOT possess right now - I am going to have to eventually switch to three twelve hour shifts instead of this five eight point five hour shift crap. Which means, someone who is now currently working three twelve hour shifts has GOT.TO.GO. So if you're wondering where I am, or what I'm doing... I'm probably scouting out the weakest link.

- T

PS: I'll leave this on a happy note: The ice cream truck came during the course of this post. I am pretty sure I ran out of here so fast my neighbors thought our house was on fire. Anyway... I let the girls pick what they wanted. Scarlett picked a Sonic the Hedgehog ice cream pop. And for that... I love her. So blog, meet Scarlett and Sonic.